Sick of this cycle

Quitting on your own is possible, even though it might feel impossible.

You have tons of free time. AA has meetings morning, noon and night. And Zoom meetings online. Dont like god? Thats fine, just ignore it. Ive heard tons of funny stories in AA.

I dont use AA and it didnt help me get sober. But I have been before. Some groups are terrible, some are funny. Find a good one. You need stuff to do.

Get a hobby that doesnt involve alcohol. Start exercising. Volunteer. Hate volunteering? Me too. But you can still do stuff like, go to the park alone with a bag, pick up some trash.

Take an art class. Burn money. Literally just burn it. Because to burn $1 bills would be better than to continue to drink. And would probably be cheaper.

/r/dryalcoholics Thread