Does anybody else think it's odd that, rather than tying up loose ends on older stories, Bungie just keeps creating new ones?

Bungie has this really strange technique where world building and cliff hangers go hand in hand. I like that it builds suspense and gives the game a sense of wonder, but it also annoys me because I feel like a lot gets left behind, or doesn't get the proper treatment.

  • The Hive: Nokris, Malok, Oryx's sisters all feel like world-building, but they did implement Malok. The grimoire behind Oryx was very interesting, but in the game, he's just a big baddie that smashes things and growls.

  • The worms, the wyrms, and the ahamkara: only make an appearance in the grimoire and in exotics. The text makes us feel like there are these trickster gods hiding somewhere in our solar system. It would be amazing to see them in the game, but who knows if we ever will.

  • The cabal, their outbound signal to the empire, and the mystery of the psions. I REALLY want this to be the beginning of Destiny 2. So far, there is no real lore behind them. They're space romans that we shoot at to get to the vex.

  • Osiris: worked with Eris and the queen to keep Oryx at bay, but you'd only know this if you read grimoire like me and other nerds. He has a really interesting background with the...

  • Vex: the coolest story in the game, tied in with the coolest faction in the game. The Vex supposedly threaten our existence, and the entire universe (or is it the multiverse?). But what do they do in game? Get raided by literally everyone, except the cabal. And the future war cult? All they do is sell decent special weapons.

  • The Fallen have gotten pretty good coverage. There's a lot of insight into their psychology and their desperation.

  • The Traveler: just a floating blueberry. That's all.

/r/DestinyTheGame Thread