Does anyone know why Cracked has gone downhill?

Actually I know exactly around the time it happened. Around 2014 is when it really started up and well... I am going to go into a very controversial topic right now but I think I have to do it because it's the main reason why a lot of people hate them now and even David Wong. (Whom I have hated for many years.)

In 2014 the gaming media was in fully insanity mode. (Trust me. It's kinda insane on how this began.) Well a game developer had a relationship with several video game reviewers for positive reception of her game. Gamers found out about it and demanded answers. It was going on and on for nearly a month strait until the moment happened. 14 different sites said gamers were dead as an identity and directly attacked gamers who were asking the question about if and how such an unethical thing can be going on.

Thus gave birth to Gamer-gate. I put the dash there because there are many parts of reddit which actively have bots to harass people who even mention it. Well, one of the main sites against it was actually cracked, nearly all the editors were what you would call... SJW's, otherwise known as Social Justice Warriors. David Wong being one of the most... well known ones against GG. This article was created by the game developer who basically started GG.

Then this article happened.

Notice how they have purged the comment section. This is a very common theme when this stuff started.

Then came the huge scandal would should have resulted in literally all of gaming journalism shutting down, Gamejournospro. It actually proved that game journalists colluded together to censor their forums and also blacklist game reviewers and developers from the gaming industry.

Well... 3 years on and it's still going on. Most the sites against GG are dead and buried and stuff like Cracked is now in desperation mode as it attempts to get ad clicks like crazy. Then comes David Wong's thing that happened a year ago.

He openly called to brigade against GG supporters full on and was banned, only to reemerge as reddit admins are actively against GG and have kept subreddits like Subreddit drama and gamerghazi up as they actively brigade other subs like fucking crazy.

I would post to the gg forum about this, but again, there are bots out there that actively harass you for speaking out so I won't do that.

So yeah, them talking about gamers eventually led to their insanity as they drank the kool aid to become SJW's which horribly effected what writing talent they had left.

/r/OutOfTheLoop Thread