Does anyone else actually not have a problem with high pressure and finds passing to be good?

I played the beta and got used to the mechanics before the game came out which is probably the reason why I haven't really struggled playing the game or dealing with high pressure at all. I think the passing is great tbh, I come up against so many people that just spam triangle all game and my players just intercept it, literally every time they win the ball back they panic and just press x or triangle and I win the ball back instantly. For me passing is completely situational, knowing when to pass is the most important thing. You need to play a couple of sideways and backward passes before you start going forward to get into the rhythm of things. A Couple of 1 2's here and there won't go a miss and I don't see enough people hold down L1 when they pass and they wonder why their players don't make runs... holding down L1 is the main reason I can get me players into goal scoring positions. However try to avoid doing this with your defensive midfielders or you may find yourself leaving a big gap. I find that my passes don't get intercepted very often because I learnt how and when to pass. As far as goalkeepers go, I know how to shoot. If some people aren't aware it's all about near post this year, the amount of goals I have scored from blasting it in the roof of the net from stupid angles is ridiculous, going across the goal is ok sometimes but we all know they have crazy reflexes when you shoot there. If you haven't tried 3 bars near post from 6-12 yards out please do I'd probably say they go in most of the time, but don't worry if it's not working straight away you just need to get used to it. I don't want this to sound like a brag thread about me being amazing at the game because I'm not, there are people better than me and there always will be. I just think people are misunderstanding basic things that are necessary to succeed in this game that's all :D If you ever want to have a game against me to practice a few things in always open to that as well just send me a message

I mean fair points here but at the same time, do we need replies like these that are complaints about people complaining about people complaining about the game?

/r/FIFA Thread Parent