Does anyone else feel shamed or judged for preferring tall men?

My preference for taller men is something I had to actively examine. I realized that it came from insecurity about not being feminine enough, which isn’t all that different from shorter men feeling too insecure to date taller women.

Working on that insecurity is valuable even if your base attraction to tall men is unchanged.

I still have an “oh, hello” reaction when a man is both tall and attractive. Height is a definite bonus, but I guess I do think it is shallow, and it’s not worth more than a momentary thought. The tallest guy I ever dated was also the biggest asshole.

If you put too much value on tall men, you won’t see them clearly. You might miss incompatibility and red flags. Also, I think it says very positive things about a man who isn’t afraid to date a taller woman.

So yes, I have felt judged… and I basically agree that it is shallow, but I also don’t feel ashamed because it’s very normal. It’s nothing to be ashamed about, just mindful and self aware.

/r/TallGirls Thread