Does anyone else never leave the house?

I totally know where your at. I was at the same place in and after high school. Honestly I was so lonely growing up that it was(and still is sometimes) hard for me to even identify loneliness because that was just my default state. I know the feeling though, eat some food, lounge around, play video games, browse the internet... for a period I definitely wasn't unhappy staying in and doing this all day. Hell, I still do all these things quite a bit. But two years from now? Five years from now? Trust me when I say that these things lose their appeal and once those things are gone what do you have? It's a slow slip into depression, you wont even realize it's happening... I didn't... I was depressed for years, tried to kill myself multiple times... It took me years to realize that I needed friends, I needed goals and I needed to get out of my house in order to be mentally healthy. Every single person on the earth needs these things. If you don't get your GED now you will regret it... it will only get harder the older you get. And believe me when I say that 2/3rds of people starting college have no idea how to write an essay. Hell, I couldn't write an essay or even do basic algebra when I started. I'm not trying to preach to you or make you feel bad, by all means, be happy where you are at and make the best of it... but don't make the same mistakes I did. Take the GED, it's easier than you think. I mean... It'll be a bit hard but it's not your fault... They should be prepping you for the GED and helping you find a college but they aren't. Your parents suck and my parents suck but we can't really change that.... but seriously.. Go to a state college, take out some loans if you have to and live on campus... They are cheap(ish) and you wont regret it(and yes, you will get in). Make some friends, get introduced to new ideas, meet interesting people, make some mistakes, smoke a cigarette, drink too much vodka, fuck a professor, fail a class, challenge yourself. learn new things. Anyway, that's my experience... hope it all works out well for you.

/r/HomeschoolRecovery Thread