**Trigger warning** FUCK, I think I'm gonna have to homeschool my kids.

Good luck to you, I would be absolutely distraught if I had to do this. It would be a hard line I'd have to be dragged kicking and screaming across.

I was isolated starting pretty young and I learned that other people = fear and distrust which has been hard to unlearn decades later. So I think that would be something to be worried about. However you don't have much of a choice with covid (and my dad is immunocompromised so I get it).

The good thing is that it's not the 90s anymore, like what a lot of us had growing up and I'm assuming you had as well. There are way more resources out there. I mean, to be able to hit up khan academy, lectures, youtube as it is today? Online school? It would have helped me instead of "idk, I can try to take you to the library sometime...when I'm not busy...now go read a book in your room until the end of the day". I was fine as a young child until the shit really started hitting the fan with math, and that's when I should have been put in school, but my parents were too arrogant to acknowledge their shortcomings.

/r/HomeschoolRecovery Thread