Does anyone else get the overwhelming fear that you're not as good at something/s as you think you are, and everyone knows it but you?

I like to think that I'm an Abra. Kind of a sleepy little fox that runs away at the first sign of conflict. And I always said that if I was a gym leader, I would specialize in psychic types. My other favorites are Mew and Raichuu. So what's your Pokemon then? I was serious about watching the show too, I just watched a whole bunch of it a month or two ago. but I was more into the Gameboy game than the TV show. I haven't thought much about Pokemon types though. I'm not sure what the characteristics of each type would even be, in relation to humans.

girls aren’t interested in me because it would affect their reputation.

You're onto something there. Like, the one surefire way to get a girl interested in you is to get her friends interested in you. Girls always want whatever their friends like.

Another facet of this though is this: Girls want sex, but they can't admit that they want it. Because of slut shaming and such, among other things. So basically, if you put a girl in a position where she has to admit she wants you, she will not do it. But if you just give it to her, she will love it. In general. That's a really general paradigm but yeah. I am like this very a lot, and I think it's especially pronounced in INFJs, if all the threads I've seen about sex are any indication. (I'm working on getting rid of this hang up though.)

But then the problem with that is that if I trick a girl into liking me by using some technique, then…the fact that they like me is irrelevant to me, it doesn’t change anything.

I'm with you on that. I think the pick-up artists who trick girls into sleeping with them are just awful. But remember what I said earlier, girls really do want sex. So the way I see it, if you are straightforward about your intentions, and the girl feels good about it all, then that's good. Like even with the MDMA, like I know in my case, if I'm rolling, I will be a lot more open to things and really touchy-feely and making out with everyone, but even when I look back on it later I don't feel guilty about it. I was just doing what I really wanted to do but would have otherwise not had the confidence to do. I think that's the big difference. I would never advocate manipulating a girl into doing something she would regret, but I think it's good if the situation is so that everyone gets to do what it is that they really want to do but fear was getting in the way. It's nothing but un-obscuring the truth, really.

I am just completely convinced in my head that they are not, they couldn’t be, it’s impossible, so I can’t do anything that is in any way forward because I know that they will reject me.

I used to have this problem too, until I learned about what signs to look for that someone is interested, and just like, started trying stuff. And I got enough good feedback that now I have that confidence. And I think your friend was probably right about you having the skills but not the audacity. That sounds about right to me.

Do you have a name at all? I know that it’s neither Elise nor Ella, haha.

Yeah my name is Jeannine but you can call me Jeannie, actually that's what I'd prefer you call me. In real life it's kinda half and half but I'm trying to get people to call me Jeannie. I switched to my full name when I was young because kids used to tease me about genie of the lamp or whatever. When I first make my reddit account, I didn't put a lot of thought into it. I just though Robbie Ellis would be a good person to emulate, Ellis->Elise. Robbie is a character of mine I've been writing for many years. He's funny because I didn't know anything about MBTI when I wrote him, but he's the most stereotypical INFJ ever, and I know it's because of my influence, but I never really thought I was like him at all. I don't really like the name Elise.

I really like the name Adam, but I'll call you Bela if you like.

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