Does anyone else make too many returns?

I always return with no shame what I bought of out genuine want/need. If you don’t end up liking it, theres no reason to keep it, sephora is expensive and money doesn’t grow on trees! And no one expects to hate a product anyways, if you bought it in the first place it shows there was genuine excitement in wanting to keep/love the product. Its not your fault it didn’t work out for you. That being said, maybe you can start to ask for samples instead? I started to do this especially for foundations because I realized even though I really am excited for a new product, theres a chance the shade might be off or it might apply patchy, etc. This way I don’t contribute to waste if I overall return the product or make an exchange. Sure some things aren’t sampleable, but for the things that are, definitely hold yourself back from making the purchase and get a sample first! And what helps is to not frequently impulse buy any products you are 50/50 on. Its tempting to blind buy sometimes but if its toooooo often with the returns you don’t wanna risk getting your account flagged! But other than that I see no problems with making returns with the products that didn’t work out.

/r/Sephora Thread