Does anyone else get uncomfortable by this?

I'm new to this sub-Reddit and this is the second time within a week I've run into this question.

FFS, no. It's not.

You're literally seeing the story from the POV of an adult, straight (and often sex deprived) guy, who normally anyways takes great pains to be a gentleman to the opposite gender (even to a fault).

How else is he supposed to internally react to good looking members of the opposite gender? Think about how ugly they are?

PS : It's also funny how nobody reacts this way to good looking male figures being given the same treatment (including in this series itself).

Call me whatever names you wish but if I had to guess, the lion's share of such questions come from women getting insecure about themselves when they read a man describing a good looking woman (which in their minds, probably feels like laying out expectations about beauty standards).

But if that's the case, what do you even want the author to do? Write male characters who are sexless borgs with an inverted aesthetic sense?

/r/dresdenfiles Thread