Does the internet influence your sexuality?

Labels are important to some people, including myself. The label "lesbian" represents my identity and what I feel is my hard-wired sexuality, and when non-homosexuals claim that label for convenience, it feels like erasure. It's hard not to be really offended and angry about it. Please respect that while labels may not matter for you, they do matter for others.

who is to say something didn't influence you before 5 years old to accept one and reject the other gender? And that something doesn't in the least have to be harmful. Could just be your brain growing from certain exposure to things.

Well, I think it's wrong to assume the default is bisexuality. That is very specific. I'd think it's much more likely that people are born asexual, and their sexuality develops into bi/homo/heterosexuality as the brain matures.

I do not know why the assumption is that the default is specifically bisexuality, especially since very young children are not actually sexually developed/aware.

You did mention the genetic aspect. I'm an identical twin and my twin is also 100% full homo. Personality-wise, we're quite different. So I believe there is a strong genetic aspect, especially considering we were both raised surrounded by strict heterosexuality. Twin studies have also indicated a non-negligible genetic aspect to sexuality.

I also do not think sexuality can be changed. I think dating intentions can change, but I do not think the brain is plastic enough to actually switch orientations.

Some people say "sexuality can be fluid", and I think that's true, but I think that sexual fluidity is an orientation in itself.

For yourself, I think that if you previously enjoyed sex with men, you're still bisexual, you're just turned off men because generally speaking, they're fucking toxic assholes :/

So yeah I guess in closing, sorry that people here were mean to you about the "image" thing. Some certain individuals could do with a dose of image awareness I think. Disregard them.

Finally, just reiterating that labels are important to many people, and they shouldn't be treated flippantly. Take care :)

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