Does psoriasis always worsen over time?

I've had plaque psoriasis (lower legs, elbows) since I was 5 and I'm 57 now. Once I got a handle on my diet, my psoriasis diminished considerably. I can comfortably wear short sleeve shirts in the summer. I gave up sugar, drink lots of water, intermittently fast (18/6), exercise daily, lots of fruits and veg, no meat or alcohol, and use calorie restriction to keep my BMI at 21. I try to keep stress as low as possible. I have more than one autoimmune disease so I can't let lifestyle choices get away from me. I had a horrific psoriatic flare a few years back (full body coverage with the first appearance of psoriatic arthritis) and it was a hard wake-up call. Never again if I can help it.

/r/Psoriasis Thread