Why doesn't Spotify provide a changelog for their updates?

>Every other major app releases changelogs, so I’m truly confused why you’re pushing back so hard on this idea.

Becuase every other major app doesn't... including but not limited to: Facebook and all of it's subsidiaries, Netflix, Google, Twitter, and so on.

> If ONE out of every TEN THOUSAND Spotify users read changelogs, that’s 20 THOUSAND eyes.

Even if you think that number is high I have some bad news for you: A company that has 207 million users isn't going to spend time and resources on something that only 20,000 people look at.

Here's some more bad news for you: If one, in 10,000 accidentally reads the change log, they didn't read shit.

>You mean to tell me they shouldn’t hire a BA intern at $15/hr to succinctly write up a changelog to inform users what’s happening with their platform?

Not for 20k users which even you admit, that they glanced by accident so didn't really read it.

>Homie, don’t be mean on the internet, especially when you’re wrong.

The only person that is wrong here, is you. If you *really* are a business analyst, go ahead and give me your manager's phone number. Any business analyst that is trying to make a case to spend money on something that *maybe* 20,000 people glance it is the dumbest fucking business case I've ever read.

Based on this post alone, I'd like to assure you that you are woefully underqualified for your job.

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