I don’t know if it’s worth it anymore

No. I didn’t miss your point. Loving someone isn’t the same as being in love, nor does that mean one should stay with someone. To be honest, sometimes giving someone space to figure their stuff out is the kindest thing one can do. She literally said she didn’t see a future with him, nor did I use the word ghost. I did use flowery language like “run, don’t walk” but that’s because no one should elongate a relationship when they’ve already mentally checked out. Which it sounds like she did. She feels tethered to him out of possible guilt. It’s my personal belief, which I’m sure you would agree with, that someone shouldn’t lead another person on. He seems really into her, wanting to move in. If she goes along with it “hoping” for the best and ignoring her (lack of) feelings, things will get worse for both of them down the line. Life is short and it’s best not to waste anyone’s time. Not someone else’s, not your own.

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