Donald J. Trump - - Here is my statement.

I really don't think there's much to take on the chin there. Correct that it's not sanitized and bundled neatly in a soundbite bow, but the media is grossly misrepresenting what was shown in the clip. Trump is right to say it's just normal "locker room talk" and it's exactly what you'd predict Trump would do in that situation.

Business is all about schmoozing. Trump has to take the thread and the tone of his associates and pretend like he's on the same wavelength. The technical term for that is "fostering business relationships". If Billy Bush starts talking about dicking bimbos, Trump is going to join in that banter because it's how you keep people happy. Trump has stated that he does this openly.

The media is only getting ground out of this because they're warping it harshly.

Trump had been married a few months at this time. It's probably pretty safe to assume that he hadn't taken a woman furniture shopping in that time. He's discussing a conquest from when he was a bachelor. Maybe it's not a pretty sight to think about a mid-50s man doing such things, but most people don't have any issue with that occurring. The media is getting ground out of this only because they're misrepresenting it as an attempt to have an affair. They're taking the "Melania says it's OK" comment out of context to support that, which he actually said in reference to getting a hug from the hostess, not wooing women with furniture shopping.

The other thing is the pussy comment. He was following a very standard discussion pattern there which we've all used many times. "When you're X, you can practically do <GROSSLY_EXAGGERATED_THING_A_NORMAL_PERSON_WOULDN'T_BE_ABLE_TO_DO>!!" Have you ever said, "This burger is so bad I am going to be projectile shitting everything for days!"? You're not being literal when you say that, and that's understood easily from the context. That's what Trump is doing here -- "I'm so famous I can get away with almost anything!". An allegation that this is self-aggrandizing is certainly apropos, but wouldn't make headlines.

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