Donald Trump: Ban all Muslim travel to U.S.

I am familiar with roof-knocking. It doesn't change the fact that the Palestinians are so packed tightly in their cage that any strike on Hamas is a strike on civilians, plus Hamas actively uses civilians as cover. What does Israel do? It bombs 6 hospitals, and a UN-funded shelter. While I do not defend the indiscriminate killing of people by Hamas, the Israeli iron dome keeps all of their shelling from killing people, and then the Israelis return in kind and kills tons of civilians. That is not to save is no religious divide between Muslims and Jews, but I think it patently ridiculous to think the treatment of Muslim Palestinians by the Israelis has nothing to do with why Muslims in that country do not like Israel.

We've diverted from the main subject but that's OK. First of all, Israel did not bomb 6 hospitals. I don't know where you're getting your facts from, but they're completely wrong. To the contrary, Hamas built their HQ in a basement under Gaza's main hospital, Shifa, knowing that Israel will never bomb the place. Israel could have dropped a massive bomb and wipe their entire leadership in less than a minute, they didn't.

Secondly, Hamas purposely blended with the citizens to create a large collateral damage and portray the whole situation as a mindless genocide. It's much more than that, the Palywood industry is expert in emphasizing the gore and spreading inconceivable amount of lies. It's sad how many people, including yourself, believe those lies. Again, if you check the facts with a reliable sources, you'll learn that there was never a single attempt to target the civilians.

Lastly, what would you have Israel do? Diplomacy is not a valid option when one of the goals of your enemy's manifesto is to wipe out Israel and kill all the Jews. It almost seems like you think that Israel needs to ignore the missiles and pray that Iron dome will intercept all of the missiles. You have no idea how scary and traumatic it is to live in this reality.

Get your facts straight - a good place to start is :

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