Donald Trump Jr. tweeted an email chain in light of "transparency" re: supposedly receiving damaging info on Clinton via meeting from someone from Russia [OPEN DISCUSSION]

It is the defintition you chose. There are others.

That is the wikipedia definition. There is no other wikipedia definitions.

Oh look! An even broader definition. Wonder where this one is from? Talk about moving the goalposts...

This my intrepretation of the wikipedia definition. Do you disagree with any parts of it?

To do something not at all illegal in any way that you even bother to define. Much ado about nothingburger.

You are the only one who is talking about illegality. No one else is!

What we have is a series of emails setting up a meeting with alledged Russian representative and detailing the pre-text of the meeting that is about to take place.

The emails do not delve into what was talked about in the meeting itself, and whether that was illegal. It cannot, because these emails were sent before the meeting actually took place. So you demanding that these emails present a proof about illegal things occuring in the meeting, is impossible, due to laws of space and time.

It's like demanding that a concert ticket shows whether the concert was good or not. Not possible, and you demanding it is unreasonable. You are either stupidly stubborn or intellectually dishonest.

And it was never about it. It is about having a proof about Team Trump's willingess and attempts to meet up with enemy goverment for political benefit, and the proof that they lied about it to the public. You can admit this too?

Whether it was illegal or immoral is completely different question. This is about intents and lies, for now. You bringing up illegality is moving goalposts.

To summarize: The discussion so far has been: Did Trump collude with Russia? Team Trump has vehemently denied their intentions to do it so far. These emails prove that either they did, or they wanted to, tried to and failed. Regardless, they cannot deny they didn't at least try.

You try to make the discussion about: Was Trump colluding with Russia illegal or not? That has not been the discussion yet, so -> moving goal posts.

About that, we will be wiser in the future, when the next article comes out, as I do not expect anyone from Team Trump to admit any truths until they have to, which I understand. I wouldn't indict myself either.

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