I don't think men actually like feminine beautiful women as human beings. They just like femininity because it validates their masculinity and status (validation from male friends)

I think you're skipping over some possible statistical quirks.

For example, in your area is it possible there's a lot more feminine looking profiles than androgynous ones? If your feminine catfish is one of many "girly" profiles, then a guy who likes that style may match with you, or you might get lost in a sea of similar girls.

Whereas if your androgynous one is the only one of it's kind, it's more likely that ALL the men who are into that style will match enthusiastically with that profile. So you're seeing a mismatch in interest but it may not be due to more men liking one over the other, but more the perceived uniqueness/rarity of the profile.

/r/Vindicta Thread