What is a looksmaxxing opinion that you disagree with?

This is more sub commentary, but the obsession with blonde hair on this subreddit screams inferiority complex to me...like I rarely if ever see people irl as concerned with blond hair. Some people here get so triggered by blondes, it's unreal. I'm a brunette with dark eyes so don't come at me.

Unpopular ish opinions: 99% of tattoos are ugly. Most face piercings too.

Your perceived femininity is just as important as your objective beauty

Your race/ethnicity is not the reason you don't get pretty privilege. A good looking woman is a good looking woman, doesn't matter what your heritage is

99% of the time you don't actually need that lip filler. Lip fillers just look so wack, especially on white and Asian women imo

Trends =/= objective beauty...in theory people on thus sub get this but some on this sub are way too concerned with tanning and bbls or whatever a small circle of influences are doing ... it really doesn't matter at all. I don't care what ariana grade is doing and neither should you

That's all for now folks

/r/Vindicta Thread