I don't get why some guns are considered the best.

I'm going to actually post a really big secret here since I've gotten bored with uncharted multiplayer recently. The best gun in the game is undeniably the copperhead. Specifically sam's copperhead. I don't care if anyone claims they disagree and I'm wrong, because I've crunched the numbers. It's the best. It's rare if I don't get above 20 kills.

  • 1) Downs in 8 body shots or 3 headshots.

  • 2) Firerate is much higher than all the other long rifles.

  • 3) It's a laser. Especially Sam's copperhead.

Those 3 things makes it beat every weapon in the game. I can spray down people across the entire map. You can actually spray down a Mazur across the map before he can shoot you in the chest twice. That's how fast it is.

In the current version of the game, I can undeniably say it's the best overall weapon.

Once I figured this out, I set out to make the best loadout in the game. I can undeniably say that this is best loadout in the game for killing an insane amount of people.

I have not ran into a single person or team that even comes close to the amount of damage I can do with that loadout.

Here are the key points:

  • 1) You have the best (and I think the highest DPS) weapon in the game. It's effective at spraying at all ranges. If you see an opponent and begin shooting each other at the same time, the copperhead always wins. It does more damage faster than the other guns. It's superior to everything. I am amazed how unused this thing is.

  • 2) Okay so the big downside of the copperhead is that it chews through ammo insanely fast. Scavenger 3 fixes this. You basically have infinite ammo and never need to pick any up.

  • 3) Why grenade and why a savior sidekick? Okay so there is a strategy I follow here. It's a little annoying early game, but it's insanely overpowered late game. First you upgrade grenade to max level. Every single purchase, nade, nade, nade. This makes you hold 2 nades and really quick recharge. Then get your sidekick. They actually restock your gear every so often, lowering your cooldown timer for free. You will throw more nades than any person has ever seen. Nades are a 1 hit kill, overpowered, cause stumble, it's retarded. And you basically have a nade (or 2) ready at ALL times. We don't even care that the savior revives people. That's just icing on the cake.

  • 3) You won't really need the para 45. That's just insurance policy. Sam's copperhead has a reload mod. It's always reloaded.

  • 4) Mark on damage 3. Hit someone once, now you have wallhacks.

I'm really giving away a massive secret here as I've not seen anyone use a loadout like this EVER. It's absolutely killer. It's overpowered. I just mow everything and everyone down. It's boring and unfair at this point to be honest and I'm glad I'm sharing it now because I really think it should get balanced and patched.

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