Why don't you talk to your once "best friend" anymore?

I liked a girl for a while. She was into me too according to her friends, but I was too shy to make an immediate move. My “best” friend new and pretended to try to set me up with her for a long time. In reality he was talking me down and making me look bad during all there contact. Then when I started catching on , I asked him about the situation, and he denied everything. In reality, they had been fucking for over a month by the time I asked him. When I angrily confronted him, he acted like I was the weird one for being so upset “over just some girl”. On top of this, I am keeping quiet about everything, and he is telling many of my other friends his side of the story which is not at all factual. Fuck him. I’m in my late 20s and as far as I can remember I have never had a friend be so fake to me.

/r/AskReddit Thread