Why don't you talk to your once "best friend" anymore?

July 12th. My grandfather was in the hospital for about a week leading up to that day. I was one of two family members to go see him. I stayed with a friend that week who lived closer to the hospital and was traveling back and forth to be with him as much as possible. On that day I made a hard choice to pull the life support. Nobody but my grandfather's estranged daughter and I really cared because nobody else even bothered to come say goodbye. I drove home pretty destroyed and my fiance told me it was former best friend's birthday. As I was getting in the shower I asked her to text him happy birthday as it was already about 11pm. He called my fiance drunk, cussed her out, said some really hateful things to my wife and said he wasn't coming to the wedding. I found my wife in tears, trying to make words about what happened. I called him to light him up only to find that he had been spreading lies about not just me and my wife, but also my sister who worked with him. He had unsuccessfully convinced his family not to attend the wedding, despite his father being our officiant and both him and his brother groomsmen in the wedding. We were married July 19 and I haven't spoke to him since. I still have contact with his family and they all attended our wedding as planned, but unless it's to help shovel dirt on the casket, we are done Aaron.

/r/AskReddit Thread