I don't wanna be a statistic "LSD user that had an alien enconter"

I was in the middle of the desert on a ranch in northern New Mexico, at least 30 or 40 miles away from any town.

I guess you can make generalizations like that about a person you've never met and only skimmed the titles of his books and Wikipedia page. But even if you assume he's peddling "mystical white male self improvement" (which is far from what you'd find if you actually cracked one of these books) there's much value to be gained in taking in perspectives different from your own. I probably won't change your mind I was just trying to provide an outlet for information from someone who had dealt with what you're dealing with for over 40 years and written extensively and seriously about it.

Honestly it's probably better that you don't figure out what RAW writes about because life will just get stranger and stranger and more abstract and you'll have more and more contacts with the Other, you'll ask why did I get into this? You should probably stay away from it anyway. But I just want to let you know that it's not bullshit, there's no conspiracy theories, no religious belief, no philosophy other than changing and stretching the perspective with which you see the world, it's not self improvement. It's kind of ignorant to pass judgement like that, you almost literally judge a book by its cover.

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