Drew Gibson running his mouth

Ugh the tone in here... What Drew said can easily be called stupid, he's a kid, a seemingly entitled kid, but a child. From what I've seen from him many times in the past, i.e. the Mullenberg Salient thread, he often only provides what seems like poor attempts at humor and irony. That being said, he wants to be comical, I treat this like a bad attempt at comedy, at FREE SPEECH.

It's downright exculpatory to say its then free speech to police him for it i.e. sponsorship losses etc. Supporting free speech would be to do no more than say fuck you, if thats how you feel. Do you usually go up to 19 year olds who say dumb shit and spaz out in your 30 year old body? I dont.

There is so much meta in this sub with regards to the sports image it's become downright corrupt. Almost all forms of brigading with regards to players and TDs comes from the overly hyped outrage this sub puts out. I call it overly hyped because nobody could stomach being around such fragile mindsets in person. I mean look at these comments... The common thought is to now throw Drew away like garbage...

This sub is too small, its caused a select elitist few to permeate the subconscious into this nasty piss fest, from an arrogance that says, I am actually controlling/protecting the progress of this sport somehow. Im not talking about correcting bad info, lots of people give incorrect advice that should be corrected, but whats happened is everything everyone says or does has to be constructed in a way that can leave no scrutiny.

This is one of the only subs where I see people leave comments like, "Thanks for this very useful info, it was very well written, cheers! Ofcourse it doesnt get upvoted either. That terrified sterile comment right there is indicative of the fearful nature people have on this sub. This completely assinine brigading is another reflection of that. I left this sub almost a year ago and have hit 400+ with not a single clip or video to help me. I check this sub as an aggregate of CCDG TDGG and SpinTV. I use DGcoursereview for anything of substance. Who btw commented on this to the effect of, "its kinda of douchey","meh". Much more what id expect from human beings. Read it for yourself: http://www.dgcoursereview.com/forums/showthread.php?p=3020593

I hope you snotty few understand how much you had to do with the color of this post. I'm sure Drew appeciates it. Im sure the trans community is preparing a ceremony on your behalf for this most important cause.

/r/discgolf Thread Link - c2.staticflickr.com