The bias that some Asian women have against Asian men is undeniable!

I was always attracted to older women. Probably, because I was youngest in family.

I was 14 and dated a black young woman (18) and she treated me much better than most asian women (in my state, 5 years difference is legal) but moved out of state for school scholarship.

4 months before 15, a "rachet" 20 year old black girl approached me, both "kicked it" (old slang) after volunteer/work. Within 3 weeks, we were fucking. She had more physical strength than 70% of white guys her age. Occassionally, I did feel like a piece of dick and balls, but I didn't care. Socially, she commanded me around for 6 months, that left a sour taste in my mouth, no puns. It didn't work. I learned the meanest older black girls knew how to fuck the hardest. For a 14-15 year old boy, I guess that's why I stayed so long, the long 30 min - 2 hour fucking.

There wasn't many asians in my metropolitan. 1/12th of Los Angeles county, but spread all over. State was 1/8th of California. Almost no hispanic but plenty of whites and blacks.

/r/aznidentity Thread