The earliest you've gone to bed just to end that day as it's been so bad?

I'm thinking of the women who are held in countries because their passports are being held by what are essentiallu pimps.

I think sex work is awesome and beneficial to society which is why I think it should be legalized. Sex trafficking is a very real problem whether you choose to acknowledge it or not. You can choose to live with your head in the sand. But sex trafficking really does ensnare thousands of less than enthusasitc participants every year through skeezy shit like the holding of passports. It gives the industry a bad name and puts everyone in danger. Sex work should be legal and regulated so that those who want to participate can do so safely and to better distinguish and provide help to those who are not voluntary participants.

This exact practice of holding passports is common with Asian and African women in my area. These are foreign born women who speak little to no english, have no connections near them, no money, nothing.

A woman near here was recently arrested for essentially keeping a housekeeper as a slave (not sexual in nature). Again, it was largely through holding her passport and typical abuse tactics that the woman felt she had no options to stay until it was too late. Luckily the woman was caught and is now facing an incredibly long sentence.

US citizens have great protections oversees that many citizens to other countries do not share in.

I'm not sure why you choose to deny the very real problem of modern slavery. Look into it a little. Its deplorable and more common than us lucky Americans would like to think it is.

You can try to make it seem like I'm just shaming sex work but thats not the case and I resent the accusation. I've participated in it myself. I'm an attractive young woman and I see no reason I cant sell my wares if I want to. But I recognize that I have a lot of privilege that not everyone shares in. A lot of sex work, especially high volume sex workers, are not in the same situation as me.

It's very common to prey on illegal immigrants and children. They are vulnerable populations unlikely to seek help from police and it makes them prime victims for pimps.

Sex work is not slavery. But pimps are absolutely masters and often abuse their workers. Sex work shouldnt be illegal but traditional pumping practices should and absolutely need to be reigned in for the protection of innocent women.

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