Is it easier said than done for a compulsive liar to just stop lying?

Oh gosh, there are so many. Every word out of his mouth is a lie. It's why I had to cut ties.

They're usually something self-aggrandizing (to make up for an absolute and total lack of self-esteem) and fall into at least one if not all of the following categories:

I'm Better Than You Example: I called him from a country he'd always wanted to visit and told him I was having a great time. He responded with a story of a debauched trip with his high school band where he ended up drunk in a totally different country after having passed out for three days. He has never left the US.

The Most Interesting Man in The World Example: He was playing darts at a bar and some college student started talking to him. The student had to do a report on the most interesting person they'd ever met. Of course the student immediately wanted to do it on him.

My Things Are Impressive Therefore I Am Impressive One of his dogs is 36 years old and was a champion show dog. (she isn't and wasn't) His other dog is so strong he kept murdering wolves and other dogs for just setting foot on the property (there are no wolves where he lives.) He planted 100,000 lilies in his garden (nnnope)

And then there's just the regular pointless boring lies, usually meant to stir shit or come across as interesting or powerful. I put some of the dramatic ones, but honestly it's every single thing no matter how banal. I finally had to go no-contact when he pretended he was dying of a fast growing cancer, knowing full well I'd just lost my brother and grandfather to cancer and was having a cancer scare myself.

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