Easiest / Hardest Season?

I love Drag Race, I've been a fan since 2009 when the lens were filled with Vaseline and nobody had any idea if this would last and there have been ups and downs but I must admit Season 9 might be the first season since All Stars 1 that I'm struggling to enjoy. Besides the editing issues and lighting and no mini-challenges and a lack of PC humor, the queens are talented but the problem with 9 seasons is that they come prepared to have the best edit possible instead of being themselves. There's barely any drama and I get that this is a competition, not Flavor of Love, but drama does boost the emotional factor because it gives you an underdog for whom to root for and a villain one loves to hate. Don't tell me Jink Monsoon riding the wave of success with the villainous Rolaskatox trying to stop her didn't give you a thrill or the Sharon and Phi Phi feud wasn't epic. Or Shangela stirring up drama while the Heathers would thrive in being mean girls. We no longer have that. These days it's kumbaya "We all love each other. World Peace!". Like, ZZZZZzzzzz. This is the kind of stuff we bitched about on Season 8 when all the drama we got was Derrick Barry freaking out whenever the judges read her to filth or Raven gunning for Bob's purse. I wished they also did more design challenges. Next week, a Roast. Then, a commercial. It will take two weeks for us to get a make-over challenge. And does every episode need to do a contrived social issue segment. Like, is this Family Ties? Girl, Shea Coulee is turning into Oprah with her asking the queens questions about their lives. Next week's "serious issue, strapless bras.

/r/rupaulsdragrace Thread