AITA for calling my ex best friend’s mom about her mental health?

INFO: Did you have good reason to believe that Amanda's mother was a safe person for Amanda?

Mental Health is a tricky situation because on one hand you want to help someone and they can sometimes be in danger. On the other hand, however, often the response to hearing someone is dealing with mental health concerns is to go "okay, time to take away your agency" which can be extremely damaging and traumatic. I

It can be horrible to not only have to manage whatever issue you were originally facing, but also carefully navigate who you can trust to not run wild with what you share.


I will say NTA because you "didn’t share anything with her mother that she didn’t bring up first"

But the better thing to do would be to state your concern and your inability to provide significant support, and ask Amanda who else Amanda could speak to to get help.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread