The Economy Is Still Terrible for Young People: The era of the overeducated barista is here to stay. College graduates are still spending more and more years (and money) to get worse and worse entry-level jobs.

No, but you have a couple of carefree years. Allow me to elaborate a bit here; im 28 and i started a fresh education at university last year. Im 10 years older compared to most of my class.

I worked from my 16th to my 26th, lost my job and decided to go back to school. Sure you end up with a debt, but you cannot compare going to school with actual work. I consider it a relaxt way to prepare you for the real world.

Everything is taken care off for you when youre in college. You can bitch and moan about everything, and i guarantee you there will always be someone that listens. You dont have to deal with nasty managers that fuck things up more than they solve. The workload is low, and deadlines can be skipped, and skipped, and skipped again.

If you have the ability to learn, to sit down and read textbooks, i will always advice you to go to college. Work is something you can always do. Its not a race.

I know job opportunity is anything but ample, but simply going to college is something i personally shouldve done way sooner. But, like so many people, i appreciated the money i earned. I had cash to do stuff, to buy useless shit. I have virtually no spending money now, but my life is richer.

If you network a bit during your college, the chances you get a job when you get out of it are much higher. Im not saying there are plenty of jobs for everyone out there, but just having a piece of paper saying you know the basics, isnt enough reason to hire someone. If you think that your education qualifies you to a certain job and a certain paycheck you are fooling yourself. This is ancient rhetoric. Anyone would hire experience over freshly graduated youngsters.

Finish your schooling is more about living life, than it is about getting a good job. If anything old people know how fleeting life is and advice you to take those 4-5 years, enjoy it. You can worry about 'reallife' after that. Old people are not stupid. I admit, age doesnt always bring wisdom, but often it does.

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