Edward Snowden 'ready to return to States'

Christ, you ELSers really need a hobby besides stalking the accounts of libertarians. But if you really insist on having a response to immediately downvote, I'll play ball.

I don't vote on posts in ELS.

Here's why your entire premise is bullshit, and why it is exactly the sort of government-defending nonsense I'd expect from someone who never strays outside this subreddit

Ahh good to see that you still lash out in personal attacks when someone challenges your stupidity.This is the first sign that you're about to say something incredibly stupid.

I don't care how many Americans are or are not in Guantanamo. It doesn't matter.

And there it is: Your crowning moment of stupidity.

It does matter. Very much, because you claimed the reason he left was so that he didn't get thrown in Gitmo. You said this because you either

a) were too stupid to know that no US Citizens have ever been put there that weren't captured in the Middle East.


b) were desperately hoping I'd just swallow your bullshit fear mongering and not call you out on it. Look out people! If you dare disobey the government, that'll throw you in Gitmo!!

There would be nothing stopping the feds from sticking Snowden in some military prison or any one of the black sites the CIA operates. And you're delusional if you think they wouldn't do such a thing.

That's exactly what they should do. Jose Padilla was held in a naval base brig before his trial, and was charged, tried and convicted in plain old Federal Prison. Snowden should have to do the same. Know why? Because he broke the law and did so intentionally with calculated for thought. Don't make it sound like he stumbled onto something. He's said multiple times that he took the job with Booz Allen so he could steal and release NSA data.

My use of the phrase "Guantanamo'd" doesn't have to refer to Guantanamo, it refers to any prison where people get held without trial.

oh man, thanks for creating an entirely new phrase because there isn't one that exists already that means just that. Oh shit, wait a minute.


That's Right!! There is a phrase that means just what you're talking about and could have easily been used, but again, becuase of reasons A or B above, you didn't use it. I personally think it's A because you've already proven on multiple occasions that you're a complete and total fucking idiot.

Which is "legal" now because of the NDAA, by the way. I don't normally say "Thanks, Obama" seriously, but he did sign off on the fucking thing.

Wow. WOW! Just when I think you can't say anything dumber... you do. Indefinite detention was authorized in the 2001 AUMF. I guess Obama authorized that before he was elected, huh?

If you think the federal government would be above sticking Snowden in some deep, dark, hole somewhere, I've got a bridge to sell you.

Yeah, because taking someone who's been featured in movies, news stories, documentaries and a few hundred thousand articles and sticking him in a hole would work. Ummm, no. He'd be held in a military prison (as he should be) and tired very publicly where his own statements would be used as evidence against him. He'd get convicted, sentenced and then he could stand as a symbol for people to look up to. All he is now is a coward and obviously a traitor.

So far this week I've proven you a liar, a blatant shill and completely uneducated. If you'd like to go another few rounds, find one of my posts and reply to it because this conversation is done. You're too stupid to keep up your end and I'm tired of slapping you around like the stupid little cunt that you are.

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