Elder bisexuals: where are you?

I was born in 1973. My older brother was born in 1961. My first crush was on a boy in kindergarten, and second was on a girl in third grade. I was never good at hiding my feelings. My parents tried to spank and pray the gay out of me when I came home from kindergarten saying I wanted to marry Chad. When I was in my early teens, my brother came home for a visit, and I told him I was bisexual. He was really disappointed, since he was sure I'd be gay, too. He told me bisexuality isn't real. It's just slutty people who can't make up their minds, or desperate people who will just fuck anyone they possibly can. We still don't talk. We have started exchanging happy birthday texts, though.

Most people that I've come out to (and I've never really lived closeted) have had a similar reaction: if you're gay, just be gay. Otherwise, be straight. You're going to have to choose one or the other when you get married, anyway.

Well, I showed them all, I guess. My partner is a bisexual woman, and we have a shared enjoyment of group sex. So, it all works out!

/r/AskOldPeople Thread