What did you think about Andy Kaufman back then?

Similar to the way I felt about Robin Williams and Jim Carrey.

Hilarious and absolutely brilliant in scripted work, but self-indulgent and unwatchable on talk shows and in contexts where they could go off on free-form tangents with no discernible point or direction.

I remember one cringe-inducing Robin Williams appearance on Johnny Carson that was sort of representative of what all three of them often did. Instead of having a conversation or interacting with Carson, RW just went off on a random physical/vocal act in which his words, sounds, and movement seemed almost impressive in their uniqueness, but weren't entertaining or interesting, and mostly just seemed rude and weird.

The three of them weren't even necessarily hitting the talk show circuit at the same times, but over a period of years, I kept seeing the same thing play out with those three actors.

/r/AskOldPeople Thread