Election Posters - A rant by an angry pedestrian

Sorry man, FF set the minimum wage at 8.65 in 2007 http://www.eurofound.europa.eu/observatories/eurwork/articles/government-announces-another-increase-in-national-minimum-wage

So when it dropped by a euro 4 years later and the cooallition reinstated it to 8.65, they were doing nothing but putting it back where it was before. I don't see how they did anything more than theatrics there.

Are you shitting me, 50c increase in the last budget is a load of piss. 9.15 per hour when the cost of living is barely covered. 1,461e per month after tax barely covers rent, bills and cost of living for most people.

A further increase to 11e is a cheap bid to get votes and it wouldn't be proposed if Labor didn't already have one foot in the grave.

Eamonn Gilmore knew he would lose it and quit, you're right I guess, he didn't lose the vote because he quit before the vote could be done.

Labor could do one better, reduce taxes for the lower brackets, and increase taxes on company turnover, set a high-earners cut off bracket such as everything earned over 150k gets taxed at 90% and as a whole, the government could probably do with companies operating out of ireland and paying less than 10% tax on the profits.

Yeah I'll admit my rant was off the top of my head, but my original point is about the damn posters. I hate them. They're just more rubbish and I'm sick of looking at their stupid faces. While my dates/numbers maybe off - I wasn't basing my original point on any particular facts minus the broadstrokes - and those are that the government in Ireland have been doing an awful job. They're shills that put profit first.

Just because they throw Joe Public a bone now and then doesn't change that.

/r/ireland Thread Parent