The Electric Guppy guy still hasn't learned...

Hello betta lovers --

My name is Nick and I am the artist from The Electric Guppy. I would like to start by thanking you for your enthusiasm in bringing awareness to the malpractices of betta care. I began making these tanks purely as a form of artistic expression but can admit I did not hold as high a regard for the fish. Even after a lot of research I fell into bad practices due to an overwhelming amount of incorrect information out there, primarily from large corporate pet stores who's primary goal is to make a quick buck.

After several kind emails from fish enthusiasts making suggestions on how to create better environments for the betta fish I am happy to tell you we have been hard at work converting our smaller tanks into ones that will positively benefit the creatures inside. Several are being converted into shrimp tanks. A few small vintage items have become traveling cages for small rodents and hermit crabs! And some of the tanks have been abandoned altogether.

At the end of the day this is a passion project and not something I do purely for the money. The amount of time and work put into creating these heavily outweighs the income. I want to be creating something beautiful for fish enthusiasts that make them excited and not spiteful.

I am excited to show you improved environments in the coming weeks. I may need to reach out to you all with questions. You seem to have valuable experience and knowledge on how to care of these little critters :)

BTW I do know the difference between bettas and guppies ;) We use "guppies" as an overarching term for what we put in the tanks and as a play on words. And we DO have tanks full of guppies! Pictures to come!

Thanks. NICK

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