eli5 - why do the McDonald’s ice cream machines always break?

The IceCream Machines take a ridiculously long time to clean. To be done properly, it takes 3-4hrs to do; and it is supposed to be done every day too.

With how busy most staff are at your local McDonalds, they simply don’t have the time to clean it. One person cleaning a McFlurry Machine for 3hrs, is one person not cooking up or selling food. For the loss of a few 99p McFlurries, they can get a lot more customers served.

Generally, it’s not broken - it’s just that no-one has had the time to clean it yet. If it isn’t used for a couple of days, the next time the Boss makes someone clean it their job will be easier and it’s not been used since it’s last clean.

In short, it’s not broken. They just dont want to clean it.

/r/explainlikeimfive Thread