How do I tell my bf to stop greeting me on our anniversaries/monthsaries?

That's the thing he didn't make an effort since day one.

He didn't make any effort in general, or just in terms of celebrating your montversaries/anniversaries?

He dismissed it and got mad as he didn't understand why I would get upset over that. I told him how things are still new to me and I too want to experience the things people in a relationship go through. But he just seems to keep forgetting and treats me as if he's been through it so many times that he's tired of it.

This has little to do with him having more experience. I know lots of people who only started dating in their 20s, and the "earliest" most of them did a little something was 6 months in.

I mean if you're not happy about the way he supposedly treats you...why are you still with him?

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