ELI5: Why do we (US) separate dental and medical insurance, especially when other specialists (gynecologist, dermatologist, etc) are all grouped under medical?

Yep something similar happened in Arizona to me. Went to a new practice and the guy filled three "cavities" that hadn't been there at all two years before (and most dentists start to warn you about forming cavities) nearly five years before because they salivate at the prospect that you'll let them do the filling) and he COULDNT GET TO THE CAVITY so kept yelling at me to open my jaw wider (I have TMJ and it pains me to open that side of my jaw more than normal) and blamed me for the fact that he couldn't get to it. It wasn't even in the back. I've had back molars filled before without a problem, because the other dentist knew what the eff he was doing. This guy didn't get the filling filed down properly and I've cut my tongue on it several times since. It's worn down after years and I'm sure I won't have lingering issues but I noped the hell out of that practice and moved back to the Midwest.

Also, my mother has nearly twenty cavities and four or five root canals. She still drives two and half hours back to her (80yo) childhood dentist because any other dentist takes one look in her mouth and sees dollar signs. They tell her she needs caps, extractions, crowns, fillings, root canals--her old dentist still says no. The one time she trusted a local dentist, she had an abscess form in her sinus cavity because a bridge was placed improperly or something and it got infected. She was on antibiotics for six months and had her old dentist spend hours repairing it. Of course everytime she goes to complain about her (severe) knee pain, every local doctor just tells her to lose weight. She's at the point of being unable to walk because of the pain and these jokers are telling her they refuse to do anything till her BMI is normal. Freaking joke, medical pros. Freaking joke

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