Gravis Marketing General Election Poll: Latino/Hispanic voters went for TRUMP 55% to Hillary 45%. THE ABSOLUTE MADMAN WENT AHEAD AND ACTUALLY DID IT!

I'm going to CalTech which isn't well know by the bums in Beijing though I visited Harvard (and believe me, it's the worst) and other well know narcissism hubs and I tend to see quite a bit narcissistic illegals from Asian counties who collaborate and cheat on literary anything addressed. Since I got my doctorate in Mathematics a friend of mine at MIT asked if I could administer a major test. Doing so I accepted the offer. About 10 minutes in to the test I noticed peculiar behavior from all the asian students. I decided to do what any mathematician who has too much time on their hands would do, I established a remote access terminal with all devises within 200 meter of my location. I was flipping through burrows of data until I found an active user digging through some medical archives. It just so happened to be that the class I was administering was that of the same subject. I proceeded to discreetly go to the bathroom, wash my hands and then peak my head through the window of the classroom. Turned out to be that all the foreign Asians were using their phones too look stuff up as well as communicate the answers to each-other. Infuriated, I took a deep breath to calm myself. I then proceeded to open the door and head to my desk. I took a seat, quietly called up one by one all the illegal foreign Asian students to see me in my office. Once they were all in the cramped office I asked if they know why they were in my office. They all responded with blank stares and 'I don't know what you're talking about' expressions. I then opened the door and asked one of the students in the front row to quietly search the room of any electronics, I told her to look everywhere including in bags. After about 10 minutes, she found numerous devices capable of connecting to cellular towers. They were all found in the area of the illegal narcissistic Asians. I told the cheaters that they would unlock their phones to me or I would fail them, get them expelled, and eventually deported. They reluctantly comply and I proceed to check all access to Internet services. Long story short, they cheated everything. I told them to stay in my office and left, confiscating the evidence with me. I called professor I was substituting for and told him what happened. We agreed to contacting the administration to start the expulsion process. Two days later all of them were expelled and put on an academic blacklist. I haven't heard anything since of the incident.

TL:DR - Go to CalTech, we have the JPL

Haha ok also illegals are killing our universities

MAGA fellow Centipedes!

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