ELI5: Since essentially everything nowadays causes cancer, should we just assume that we still don't really know what causes it?

Cancer onset is essentially the result of a compromised immune system. This suppression of the immune system happens over time and we are often unaware until something bad happens. This is more than often a result of what we are putting in our bodies, and what we are exposing our bodies to...over long periods of time. Genetics only account for 5-10% of cancers. So, yes many things can cause cancer: GMO's, long exposure to radiation emitting devices, MSG (or any glutamate), processed foods, sugar (fuels cancer cells), lack of oxygen in the body (water), vitamin deficiencies, lack of healthy frutis and vegetables, sedantary lifestyles, smoking. Our environment is full of carcinogens. Couple that with the stress we face each day and the lack of sleep and emotional imbalances a lot of us face. All these factors attribute directly to cancer.

We get the diagnosis when we are showing symptoms and there is a noticeable growth. What people often don't realize that there are cancer cells within our bodies at all times trying to thrive and grow. Our immune system naturally identifies these cells that don't belong and kills them; as it's supposed to. There are actually cells called 'Killer Cells' in our bodies that do just that. Anyway, the best way to avoid this disease is to be aware of what you are putting into your body; and more importantly make changes to what you are putting into your body. Are you getting the right amount of natural nutrients? Are you getting the right vitamins? How well is your immune system functioning? (there are tests for that).

What many Oncologists fail to do is address the root causes of the cancer, like the underlying t-cell growth. And more disturbingly they won't recommend any courses of action to regain full immune functionality and promote pure and healthy eating, body detoxification, and mental well being - which is absolutely essential for the body to have a chance to survive. Instead, they prescribe poison (Chemotherapy), which indiscriminately kills both healthy and cancerous cells and leaves the body destroyed. Furthermore, while administering Chemotherapy, you will often be advised to eat as much sugary foods as possible, in order to preserve fat stores for the staggering weight loss you will face. Sugar, as previously mentioned, is food for cancer cells. You are told to rest and essentially wait to see what happens. Chemo and surgery are also proven inhibitors of metastasis, which as we all know is really bad. People submit to Chemo and surgery out of fear - and they can't be blamed for that. When you get news like that, you put your full trust in the person who is supposed to save you. These Oncologists act in direct violation of their hippocratic oath.

I digressed there. But yes we know what causes cancer. And we know what cures it. I highly recommend watching this 9 part docu-series about cancer. It will change the way you look at this unnessecary disease:


/r/explainlikeimfive Thread