this guy called me the n-word and i reported him lmfao

Date of Hurtfulness: _____ Time: _____
What caused the butthurt?
☐ Someone posted it ☐ Offensive picture on the internet
Was a tissue needed for the tears?
☐ Yes ☐ No
Will you be able to move past it?
☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ Not sure
Reason for filing the Report (check all that apply):
☐ I am an idiot.
☐ I am a crybaby.
☐ I am thin-skinned.
☐ I am a little bitch.
☐ I want my mommy!
☐ I felt picked on.
☐ I'm better than everyone else.
☐ I'm a prude.
☐ It wasn't my joke.
☐ No one liked my selfies today.
☐ Life just isn't fair!
☐ Other (please explain below):
____________________ (Use a separate comment if necessary)

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