The End of Meaningless Jobs Will Unleash the World's Creativity

First off, I am lucky to be in a field where I have zero concerns of ever being replaced by automation or that I will need even a penny of help from the government to maintain my quality of life. What's funny though is that some people can envision circumstances other than their own.

The problem with your generation is you still think that by the graces of American ingenuity and work ethic that there's a good career out there for everyone if you just keep your nose to the grindstone. You pine for the Reagan days before China started making everything cheaper and a Ford plant worker could have a mortgage and two car payments without batting an eye. Those days are gone and they aren't coming back. There's no rule that there's a job out there for everyone.

This is the world we live in now, so it's best to start thinking about how to live in it rather than looking back at the America you once had. In the meantime, if your generation is going to use up all the social security and Medicare, just take it quietly and stay away from the polls, rather than lecture us on handouts we won't have while you try to fuck everything up with your Donald Trumps and Nigel Farages.

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