Russia’s Nuclear Paranoia Fuels Its Nuclear Propaganda

Wanna know what America's top threat is? Sovereign citizens.

The government has always feared it's heavily armed, educated citizens over anyone else. Not long ago a group of them were at a stand off with federal agents. One of them was on an overpass (bridge) with a sniper, he was point at federal agents, they also had a sniper on him.

What do you think they did? Gathered a huge army of FBI agents to take them out? No, they retreated to avoid a bloodbath. We're talking about America here.. and federal agents. It gives you an idea of how big of a threat these people are to them. They do not recognize any form of US government at all. This isn't Russia, it's US born citizens.

And guess what? They're rapidly expanding domestic federal agencies - not foreign agencies. They're expanding Homeland Security and FBI. Why? Domestic radicals on the rise. KKK, Black Power, etc.

Russia may think America obsesses over it, I assure you that's not the case. Does the Pentagon try to isolate Russia every chance it gets, yeah - but it's not on the top list of priorities. And of all the lists at the Pentagon, bringing an end to our species by attacking Russia certainly isn't anywhere to be found.

This is merely fear mongering propaganda - nothing more and you're truly naive or extremely stupid to believe it.

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