You end up in Hell. It's the same as your life before with one minor annoyance to bug you forever more. What'll it be?

I'd get to hell, only to find that marriage really was an unbreakable bond. That agreement had a clause that stated it was valid even after death and there's no way out.


I'd be back with my ex-wife, spending our eternal days sitting in silence, because we're tired of every conversation being twisted into an argument. There would be no socializing with friends together, no dating(each other or others), no socializing together outside the home, no physical contact, such as handholding, snuggling, long passionate hugs/kisses. AND DEFINITELY NO SEX.

Satan no longer runs a daycare service, not since that incident where the neighbor's kid was bitten by one of the hellhounds placed there to protect the kids from molesters, priests, elderly coaches, and all the other crepes and flames that made it in to Hell. Insurance won't offer coverage to place that bad.

So, the kids would be home all day and it's too hot outside in Hell , so the kids can never leave the house and will forever hear there parents shouting at each other to "Go to Hell".

I escaped from a vaguely similar place, we used to call home. I'm sure I could find my way out of this as well.

/r/AskReddit Thread