Enjoying the last few moments of off season as a smash bros/drag race fan

Now that Ru has bestowed upon us a RuVeal date, it’s time to see how Season 8 stacks up with past seasons. Through surveys. Please share your top three seasons in each category at this link. You can also feel free to share comments as responses to this thread. I’ve included my own thoughts below as an example of how you might jump the boom boom gun.

On January 23 at 8:46pm (EST), the last full moon leading up to the Ruveal, I will have Victoria “Porkchop” Parker scribe a summary of the responses on vellum made from a newborn, gluten-free calf, and feed this into the Dragulator. Hopefully by the time the analysis is complete, we will be too busy complaining about new content to remember a time when we didn’t have any.

Top 3 Seasons (Cast): 6, 3, 5 In my opinion, the cast depends on who is cast. Without this information though, I can still say with unfound certainty that Season 8 falls in the middle of the pack. Season 8 has some great filler queens – there are just too many of them.

Top 3 Seasons (Challenges): 2, 4, 6 The producers definitely learned something from the overly scripted Season 7. It’s just a pity that they keep trying to reinvent the wheel, rather than recycle ideas that work. Bring back our cherry pie!

Top 3 Seasons (Runway): 3, 5, 8 I’m not a fashion expert, but I’m pretty sure the Season 8 queens will be wearing clothes most of the time. Some of them might have face paint on too.

Top 3 Seasons (Overall): 6, 4, 8 Overall, I guess I’m still of the opinion that Season 8 will be cancelled.

/r/rupaulsdragrace Thread Link - imgur.com