I think that the entire concept of “passing” to a lot of trans femmes is so rooted in racism and I don’t think that it’s discussed nearly enough.

I really am sorry that you don’t have the resources you need, and you should have access to that, but this is a massive false equivalency.

  1. Racism is more than just slurs and outward attacks, so I fully am still on board that this issue falls in line with racism.

  2. “Blame people in my ethnic group” is a vile statement. I’m kinda dumbfounded at it to be honest, people who fall under my ethnic group and other ethnic groups are making all types of efforts to provide these resources while also dealing with disproportionate amounts of violence. So no, please don’t try and shift the blame to “my ethnic group”. This isn’t about resources or tutorials, but rather a standard that is routinely upheld that is entirely comprised of racist standards. The anecdote about tutorials was just an example of the way in which I personally see this, the post really doesn’t have much to do with the concept of makeup tutorials.

Also just want to quickly note that this response just kinda confirmed the sentiments that I spoke about in my post. Not sure how you looked at some of the things you said and thought “yes the is a rational response to a post about racism is to blame the ethnic groups for something that they aren’t at fault at”.

/r/honesttransgender Thread