"Escrow" Is The Problem!

How much fucken money did they need? Stupid greedy cunts. Surely, with the connections they made through evo or/and already had from their past endeavours, plus the commission they made and all the other little perks and mini scams, SURELY they were already stinking rich or only 6 months off it???
WHY THE FUCK DO PEOPLE DO THIS SHIT TO EACH OTHER???!!!??? I'm so fucking sick of the "human nature" excuse. I wouldn't fucking do this, ever. I'm no fucking angel but I've never done something morally corrupt for the sake of GREED. Not ever. I've may have burnt one or two of my fellow humans for the sake of love, I'll admit it. It wasn't right and it never will be. I feel shame for it and I own it. I may have stolen a thing or two in my youth in times of desperation. Never more than enough to finance some fuel for the car or some food for the table but again, I'm not proud of it and if there was a way to find the victims of my desperation, and somehow do something positive for them, I would. But I would never ever burn a fellow human, who's situation I know nothing about, out of pure greed. If any of you reading this feel that you would do the same, get some fucking help. If any of you reading this are already well off, and you're still burning innocent people, get some fucking help. If any of you reading this have unnecessarily ripped off innocent strangers in the past, when you already had money in the bank and were doin ok, then make amends somehow, pass on you're ill gotten windfalls to someone that looks like they need it. Restore the balance that your greed has grossly upset. Get some fucking help so this hideous example of so called "human nature", stops getting passed down to our future generations. "Human nature" is not "nature" at all. It is DYNAMIC and can be changed. ITS NOT A FUCKING EXCUSE! We are failing as a species because of this shit. We are a fucking disgusting blight on this earth because of people who do shit like this. A psychologist would call this "self sabotage" if it was on a personal level and it can be easily cured when the patient is willing.....
When it's a global phenomenon (like right now, all you cunts out there know who you are), I guess you could call it "guaranteed extinction and constant suffering of the species" or maybe just fucking CANCER. But it's cureable.... Easily curable. In closure, GET SOME FUCKING HELP. Thank you for your time.

/r/DarkNetMarkets Thread