Ethics of voting for Democrats for president

Democrats are able to move to the right constantly because they know that the American "left" will vote for them no-matter what. It's very easy to justify non-voting on that basis. Like I said before though, I don't really care.

Mostly because leftists are notoriously bad at not voting in primaries and not showing candidates what issues they care about in national elections. Probably just the man trying to repress liberals though /s

If you think this place is an echo-chamber for my views then you either haven't spent much time here or you don't know what my views are. SRS is largely imperialist, liberal and white-supremacist in my view.

"You're not radical enough for me therefore you are white supremacists." Calling SRS white supremacists (or imperialistic wtf lol)(liberal is an insult, thank you /r/socialism, the bastion of fascist socialist thought) is so fucking laughable. How do you view non-socially justice minded people? Literally all KKK nazis? It's unrealistic.

I just stated that I'm very active in my local organisation. I'm not sure why you think the internet and real-life are mutually exclusive.

I'm sorry, you edited out your original comment and changed it: "Interesting that you have to earn the "right" to complain about politics in your mind though." that I actually addressed. What a stellar way to win a debate. By changing the conversation after it happens. Just refer to my edit above. Since apparently we now have to actively reread previous posts to keep up with the context of the conversation. It certainly wouldn't be more appropriate to just respond and stand by or refute our previous comments.

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