Eve of destruction - Barry McGuire [rock]

Eve of Destruction
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Eve of Destruction is a ska punk band from Southern California that formed in 2005, consisting of lead vocalist/guitarist Justin Picon, bassist Sam Eames, lead guitarist Chris Williams, drummer Steve Reese, saxophonist Timmy Haddock, trumpeter Luis Beza, and trombonist Adam Liebreich-Johnsen.

The band released their first EP, Eve of Destruction, in 2007, before going on hiatus in 2008. The band returned to activity in 2014 and released their second EP, Last Call!, that same year.

The band's website can be found at eveofdestructionska.com. Read more on Last.fm.

Last posted: 538 days ago by u/iAmPenisJoke.
last.fm: 166 listeners, 594 plays
tags: rock

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