Ex-girlfriend is screwing with me mentally and i can not cope, I need advice.

Know this, she's an emotional vampire. She thinks that by driving you to drink and driving you crazy it's proof that someone loves her in this world.

But now, the challenge is gone. You say "I love you" way too much. You offer her things and she doesn't even have to ask for them. As I said, the challenge is gone. Now you're just a bitch to her and that doesn't get her tingly. You don't qualify as a lover anymore because you accepted her and she's obviously fucking broken. (But so are you, no offense.)

So you have two choices. You can try to ghost her as I'm sure every post in this thread will advise you. Or, you can give her a taste of her own medicine. You're probably thinking, "Ghost her." But that is the wrong course of action. You must use this, use her, to advance your understanding of female psyche.

Plus, you're not going to be able to do it. You still care too much for the pussy she occasionally gives you. (Which is also why it's drying up, though you don't see that yet.)

You know what you should do? Act happy. Act like she doesn't bother you at all. Act like suddenly some other chick wants you and that you're into her. If she tries to share her pain with you, say fucked off shit like "Wow, that sounds horrible!" "Oh my god that's awful!" or "Wow it must be really hard for you right now."

All of these things say 1 thing: "That's your fucking problem." but without being the dick you really want to be. Act like nothing she says or does can phase you (even though it does) because she's constantly craving the current type of attention you are giving her.

Then, the hard part starts. Since girls are masters of pretending, eventually she'll figure out what you're up to or she'll start to become jealous. That's when she'll try to make you jealous. She'll bring another dude around to show him off and make sure that you know she's getting other dick. (She already is, trust me.) But she'll want you to know it.

This is the real test. What should you do? Do you ignore that guy? Do you fight him? Nope. Become his friend. Compliment him like you used to compliment her. She'll fucking hate you for it. Literally hate, which will make her want to fuck you even more.

Then, the final fatality... just stop talking to her. Her confidence at this point will be shot. You'll have learned how to deal with the anger and hopefully you'll be strong enough to make it though. Then you just slowly talk to her less and less because now it's time to slowly ghost. Let her be the one all sad at night crying, even if it's on Chad's shoulder. Because Chad don't give a fuck about her and she knows it, but you did. And now you don't. All kinds of guys want to fuck her, but nobody gives a shit about her but you. And now even you don't. It's the worst thing you could do to her and the best thing you could do for yourself.

Oh you thought there was a happy ending? Hells no. This is an unsalvagable situation. The best you can do is see her reactions to you slowly learning not to give a fuck and hide your true feelings. There's no version of this where you end up happily ever after, this chick is a fucking basketcase.

You are crying yourself to sleep because you had someone and now you don't. It hurts. It fucking hurts. But she really thinks you're still an option, show her you aren't and in the process you will learn to love her less because you'll see what a fucked up creature she really is.

I've done this multiple times and it always works. The hard part is when she brings the dude around, you gotta find a way to love that guy and that will fuck her head more than anything else.

Women. Fuck it.

/r/MGTOW Thread